January 26th- February 1st
We made a lot of fun and new memories this year as we celebrated our Catholic School! We were able to live out our School Mission Statement by focusing on our faith, learning, leadership, and service all while having lots of fun together. Below is a glimpse of the many fun activities we had planned for an amazing Catholic Schools Week.
November 11th, 2024
We had a terrific morning celebrating all of the veterans who have served our country bravely! We had a delicious breakfast in honor of our veteran staff members. Then, we all joined around the flag pole for a ceremony to recognize the veterans in our lives and to show pride in our great country.
April 11th, 2024
Our School was filled with "Out of This World" fun to celebrate the 2024 Solar Eclipse! We are so grateful our families were able to join us in a STREAM night filled with learning and excitement. Check out all of the fun ways we learned about Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Math below...
We were proud to celebrate our favorite Catholic school this week! We focused on celebrating our community, students, staff, church, and parents through many fun activities. Keeping true to our servant hearts, we all provided service to our community in many different ways! Please check out all of the fun we had this week below!
We kicked off CSW with a student led Mass on Sunday.
Mayor Matt Nicholson with students dressed as "Tacky Tourists" to celebrate our Nation.
Mayor Matt Nicholson came on Monday to officially kick off CSW
T-shirt design contest winners are revealed.
Every student and staff member received the winning shirt
K-2 students making door wreaths for the nursing home.
K-2 working on food tray cards for the nursing home
Bookmarks for residents at the nursing home.
6th Graders providing Service to "Sweet Cheeks" in Seymour, IN.
7th Graders helping at Jackson County Clothing Center.
Helping Girls Inc. clean out their foam pit is a big job.
5th Graders helping in our community.
Our PTO Chili Cook-Off Winners!!
8th graders visiting Simon Brute' Seminary to learn about vocations.
8th graders donating pop tabs to Ronald McDonald House
All school trip to the movie theatre to see "Wish" was a lot of fun!