All are welcome. The Ministry will gladly teach a beginning knitter to help someone regain their skills. Patterns for various skill levels ae available through the coordinators.
The knitters who are inspired to knit for this ministry know the power of prayer and the need of each should to be remembered and comforted when they face difficult times not of their choosing. Christ has no hands on earth but ours so we reach out. Knitting needles and hands in this ministry become instruments of prayer. We ask for the blessing of comfort on the shawl recipients and if possible that their health be resorted. We hope they know other care.
Ministry coordinators, Kay Melton and Kitty Lewis work with the parish office staff to receive names, bless the shawls, and deliver shawls through the Eucharistic Ministers. Names also come to the ministry through word of mouth.
The Hispanic group with coordinator, Teresa Morales (812-530-6984), meets each Tuesday from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm in the downstairs meeting room in the parish center. Other knitters in the ministry knit at home.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry of St. Ambrose Church began in the summer of 2009. The ministry met its goal to make and present shawls to the forty plus homebound parishioners within its first 12 months of existence. The ministry continues to knit for the homebound and in July of 2010 began knitting the white garments needed for the sacrament of baptism. Last year 73 shawls were used in the baptism performed at St. Ambrose.