Haiti Committee
The Haiti Mission was started as part of a Twinning Program that links parishes in poor countries with parishes in America. We have twinned with St. Therese Parish in Gaspard, Haiti since 1998. Our initial commitment was to help with a medical clinic. To support the clinic, St. Ambrose needed to commit to sending $900 per month to our sister parish. In order to accomplish this, the committee requested that 180 parish families each commit to contributing $5 each month to support this medical mission. The commitment was reached and St. Ambrose parishioners have supported the clinic and have increased funding to support many additional needs of the community for the past 26 years. In 2024, we have been able to fully fund the medical clinic (which also does trips to the neighboring village of Jean Clair), fully fund the school staff salary (supports approximately 350 kids), repair roofs and power (solar/generator), repair and maintain vehicle that serves the community, as well provide food, fuel, and other needs as we are able to. Over the last few years, we have been having dialog with other charities that support the area and are finding additional ways to partner with these groups to further help the people of Gaspard. Some of these groups are Food for the Poor, Caritas, and Solidarity Haiti.
Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. Here are some fast facts:
One of the top 10 water-poor countries of the world
One in five children die before reaching the age of five
Life expectancy is about 25-30 years less than the US
Most people lack access to medical care
Most people live on one or less meals a day
Most homes lack electric, running water, and other modern standards
Lack of job opportunities
One goal of the committee has been to start making mission trips to Gaspard again. This should greatly help us determine how we can best serve them with our time, talent, and treasure as well as build a stronger relationship with our brothers and sisters in Haiti. We would like to help them find ways to break out of poverty and improve their quality of life. Many different backgrounds are needed to support trips (medical/dental/vision/pharmacy persons, educators, builders, project managers, electrical folks, IT folks, financial folks, mission team support folks, etc.). Please prayerfully consider a future trip. If you think you are called to a trip, but are unsure how your presence might be helpful, please contact the leader of the committee to discuss.
We currently meet quarterly and invite all parishioners to join us. Funds are sent down to Gaspard from St. Ambrose quarterly after the committee prayerfully assesses the needs presented by the priest at St. Therese on behalf of the church, community, school, and medical clinics. Because of the extreme poverty and rising costs in the country, the needs exceed the amount of money that is currently being donated but we are making a lifesaving difference for the people of Gaspard. They very much appreciate the help that the parishioners of St Ambrose are giving.
Please continue to generously support our sister parish through the envelopes that you should be receiving with the regular parish envelopes (please mail into St. Ambrose or drop in the collection basket or simply mark an envelope with “Haiti Mission” if you are not receiving the envelopes). Please keep the priest, parishioners of St. Therese, and Haiti in general in your prayers.